San Cesareo (RM)
Novices of the Holy Spirit Sisters (CSSS) Waidoko Receive First Vows and Novitiate Admission in a Eucharistic Celebration Led by Bishop Edwaldus Martinus Sedu, Bishop of Maumere
Di seguito riportiamo la traduzione in inglese dell’articolo pubblicato sul giornale online della Diocesi di Maumere “” relativo alla Prima Professione e all’ammissione di nuove Novizie nella nostra Congregazione del 6 luglio 2024 (l’articolo originale in lingua indonesiana potete trovarlo qui)

Novices of the Holy Spirit Sisters (CSSS) Waidoko Receive First Vows and Novitiate Admission in a Eucharistic Celebration Led by Bishop Edwaldus Martinus Sedu, Bishop of Maumere

Maumere, July 6, 2024 – The Eucharistic Celebration of First Vows and Admission of Novices of the Holy Spirit Sisters (CSSS Community) Waidoko took place solemnly on Saturday, July 6, 2024. This event was marked by the acceptance of First Vows by five Novices and the Admission of two Postulants to the Novitiate stage, which was led directly by His Eminence the Bishop of Maumere, Mgr. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu.


Eucharistic Celebration Led by Bishop Edwaldus Martinus Sedu, Bishop of Maumere
Novices who received First Vows were Hermiana Roberta Deda, Domitila Hendrika Lefteuw, Theresia Pagan, Adelina Uluk, and Dionisia Reladona Goen Wokal. Meanwhile, Postulants Sofia Sandraliana Gedho and Yunita Bete Kase were accepted as novices, continuing their formation to the Novitiate stage.

The event began with the welcoming of Bishop Mgr. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu, followed by the huler wair and shawl garlanding ceremony. The Eucharistic celebration began at 9 am with Mgr. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu as the main celebrant along with the concelebrant priests.

Huler Wair Welcomes Bishop Edwaldus Martinus Sedu to the CSSS Waidoko Community

In his homily, Bishop Edwaldus conveyed the importance of the admission of Novices and the profession of First Vows as a blessed opportunity for the congregation and for the novices to purify the steps of their religious journey. He emphasized the exemplary behavior of the Apostle Paul and Mother Mary in facing challenges and difficulties, and emphasized that every individual is called to achieve the perfection of Christian life.


Bishop Edwaldus Martinus Sedu giving his homily

The series of events for the acceptance of First Vows includes the investigation of candidates, the request for divine assistance, the profession of vows, and the presentation of the veil and constitutions. The profession of vows was carried out in the presence of Sister Superior General, Madre Maria Paola Masuccio, CSSS. After that, it was continued with the admission to the Novitiate stage by Sister Superior General, and the presentation of medals by the Bishop to the novices.

The event was closed with remarks from representatives of the family, jubilarians, and the Bishop of Maumere, Mgr. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu. In his remarks, he invited the sisters and novices to remain faithful in their religious calling, to be compassionate, and full of forgiveness in their personal, monastic, and social lives, and hoped that Mother Mary would pray for their vocation pilgrimage.